Seven Golden Rules For Startups & Entrepreneurs

I thought I’d try a fun little experiment and throw out the following question on Twitter:
If you were to choose one golden rule for startups and entrepreneurs, what would it be?
and then see what everyone’s feedback would be and share it over here with you all.

Here are the first seven replies I got:

  • Always have fun #
  • Read Guy Kawasaki’s the Art of the Start, and his upcoming book Reality Check #
  • A startup’s job isn’t to save money, it’s to invest as much in the business intelligently as you can so that the gamble will pay off #
  • Creating customer personas to narrow down your target market which would also help your business plan #
  • Be different #
  • Business is not about ideas, it’s about initiatives #
  • Do not reinvent the wheel #

Thanks to everyone who replied, sending in their golden rules, and helping create this post.

Please do add to the list and enrich it by sharing your golden rules in the comments section.

Rules For Revolutionaries (Guy Kawasaki)

Rules For Revolutionaries (Guy Kawasaki)One of the very good books I recommend for entrepreneurs aiming to launch the next big product or service, is Rules For Revolutionaries: The Capitalist Manifesto for Creating and Marketing New Products and Services by Guy Kawasaki in collaboration with previous coauthor Michele Moreno.

Guy Kawasaki was former chief evangelist at Apple Computer, is currently Managing Director of Venture Capital firm Garage Technology Ventures and founder of;

This was the first book I read by Guy Kawasaki, and I truly enjoyed it; His writing style is really light and entertaining; yet precise, clear and straight to the point.

The book is divided into three parts, whose titles alone show the book’s style and tone:

1. Create Like a God: This part discusses the way that radical new products and services must really be found, thought of, developed and updated.

2. Command Like a King: This one explains what kind of leaders are truly necessary in order for such revolutionary products and developments to succeed, the best way to market them and how to avoid the usual big mistakes.

3. Work Like a Slave: This last part focuses on the kind of commitment that is actually required to beat the odds and change the world, and how clients should be dealth with and treated.

A concluding section presents a bunch of entertaining and inspirational quotes on topics like technology, transportation, politics, entertainment, and medicine that illustrate how even some of history’s most successful ideas and people have prevailed despite the scoffing of naysayers.

This book is a very interesting read that I recommend for everyone looking to create a new product or service; it really provides a bunch of very useful advice and tips and gives you pointers on how you should go about it all.

# Rules For Revolutionaries (Guy Kawasaki)