As I scour the internet going through bunches of articles and blog posts, and as I read more and more business books looking for more advice and tips on launching startups and running them, one of the main questions that keeps coming to mind is that concerning the business plan.
On one side you have the people who tell you to forget about writing a business plan, and to invest that time into working on your startup, getting things off the ground and moving, and that your business plan will come easily to you later on when you’re well established.
On the other side, of course, are the people who think a business is not a business unless you seriously think about and formulate a business plan for it, and that it’s best done at the very beginning so that you know what your goals are, where you’re taking your startup and how you’re actually going to make money to keep it alive.
Both opinions hold a certain amount of truth and logic in them, but if you’re an entrepreneur thinking of launching a business today, which bit of advice should you follow?
Is there a middle ground between the two?
Personally, I think it’s very important that the entrepreneur have an idea about how they plan to generate revenue to sustain their business and grow it from the beginning, but still move forward with an open mind about it all, fully knowing that their idea could change with the evolution of the project.
How detailed these initial ideas or plans have to be depend on the size of the project and the investment being put into it; sometimes they can be just a tiny thought scribbled on a post-it note, and some other times it’s a big elaborate document.
The importance of having this idea of how the business ‘can’ eventually make money is for it to serve as a guide, a reference point for the entrepreneur to keep in mind as they build up their business, and develop different paths towards that goal, and explore other new ones that open up for them along the way.
What are your thoughts on the issue? Business plan or no business plan?