Biz Report Middle East (BRME) was recently launched as the Middle East’s first dedicated corporate web television channel. This Middle East channel will be the first of a series of similar channels to be launched around the world over the next 6 – 12 months. Future channels will include Biz Report North America, Biz Report Europe, Biz Report Sub Continent, and Biz Report Far East & Pacific.
The channel concept is simple. Clients (or their PR agency or corporate video production company) upload their recorded press conference or corporate video to the web channel through a control panel for a nominal fee.
Once the material is uploaded to the channel relevant journalists around the Middle East are notified that a press conference or other release is available to view taken from an up-to-date 20,000 strong Middle East media database. In addition, business executives and any other international journalists who have registered on the channel as ‘Power Users’ receive a notification that there is a new release available to view. Further to this, the client also has the option to attach a press kit, event photographs or digital marketing materials to the release when it is uploaded so that journalists can download this information too and it can all be available to view or download within an hour of the event taking place.
Whilst the channel can be viewed by anyone, it is targeted primarily to journalists and business executives.
The channel concept was developed by Marketing Strategist and Corporate Media Producer, John Robins. “The the idea for Biz Report TV came about as a result of the years I have been working on international corporate communication projects” explained Robins. “Over the years, I have been responsible for the recording and editing of countless press conferences, corporate events and corporate videos and it has always staggered me how many of these have ended up being burnt to DVD and then left on a shelf somewhere in someone’s office. It seemed such a waste given the amount spent on the material in the first place. From this thought I developed the idea of having a TV channel that would enable companies to broadcast their productions and significantly increase viewership, generate far more media coverage and get a significantly increased ROI on large chunks of marketing budget.”
Robins first developed the idea 4 years ago, and teamed up with freelance web designer and software engineer David Lear to develop it, and work on the sophisticated technology that will power their new channel network. Robins and Lear believe that there are few web TV channels, if any that offer the full range of features that BRME does.
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