Whether you started your business because you have a particular skill, a certain passion or out of frustration from your 8-5 job, you need to be constantly wearing the salesman hat; Why? simply because the lack of cash will kill your business. Cash is the oxygen to your business, once you run out of it, you run out of business. And constant selling is one of the best way to secure the cash.
As a founder, a business owner or a business partner, your job is to constantly secure enough cash for your business. Business won’t show up to your door. Users will not turn into $$ with a magic wand. People do not care about you. So get off you chair, go out and sell.
Put a target to meet 10 prospects, 20, even 50 per month. It’s a numbers game, out of 10 prospects, maybe 1 will become a customer (so 10% acquisition rate), maybe 2, or 5. You will only know by trying. And the good news is, your acquisition rate will eventually get higher with proper focus, constant learning, and practice.
So overcome your fear, your comfort zone, and sell, sell, sell, this is what you need to constantly be doing. Keep asking yourself: How many prospects do you have on your list? How many did you meet this week? How many did you follow up with? How many prospects CLOSED the deal? What’s does your pipeline of prospects look like? Do you have a list or a target of prospects for the next month?
Don’t know how to do it or need help in this? Contact me, I know a great company that can help you.
Are you still on your chair?