IIT Forum 6: The Arab World’s Top 10 Investment Ready Startups

Investing in Technology ForumThe 6th Investing In Technology Forum; an event that aims to be a networking opportunity for entrepreneurs, researchers, investors, regional corporate CEOs, and all technology leaders in the region to get together to share experiences, develop relationships and explore business opportunities; took place in Cairo, Egypt, last week.

One of the items on the event’s agenda was a series of pitches by Arab technology startups to a panel of the region’s most prominent angel investors and venture capitalists, in hopes to be selected among the top 10 investment ready startups in the Arab world.

There were 33 startups from around the region who pitched their businesses, and the panel evaluated each startup and gave them a score, rating them by their potential and readiness for investment.

The following ten startups came out on top: 

  • Droubi: A company that has invented and patented a new method of dental surgery.
  • Glocalizer: A company that provides free wireless and technology advertising based products.
  • Applied Research Institute: A company that works on new technologies for water treatment and organic food.
  • eSpace: For WeNear, their framework for location based mobile services.
  • MobiLaps: A company that develops network applications for internet service providers.
  • Talasim: An online social network and photo gallery for comedy/funny content.
  • Aboker: A company that works on technology to produce biofuel and silicon carbon from environmental waste.
  • Vertex: A company that builds customised three-dimensional virtual worlds for education, real estate …etc.
  • SilMinds: A company that provides hardware acceleration technology thats speeds up intensive computing processes.
  • Kindisoft: A company that helps businesses to better protect their Rich Internet Applications based on Adobe Flash.

Quite an interesting mix of startups covering different fields, some who were only recently launched, and some that date back to the late 80’s, early 90’s (Droubi: 1989, Applied Research Institute: 1990).

After the selection happened, a number of the top startups were approached by some of the present investors who were interested in their businesses.

A list of these top 10 startups and their full descriptions can be downloaded in PDF format here. (Courtesy of Beep Beep.)

[Via: Beep Beep]

8 thoughts to “IIT Forum 6: The Arab World’s Top 10 Investment Ready Startups”

  1. Dear Mohamed,

    I am the owner and co-founder of Vertex Technologies. Our company Vertex Technologies is the company that got nominated among the top 10 Startups in the forum. However, I noticed that your article, is hyperlinked to another company in UAE, Called Vertex Studios, which is not affiliated to us by any means. Our companies is Vertex Technologies, and Vertex Motion Studios are located in Egypt and the site for the company that was nominated among the top ten is http://www.vertex-techs.com.


  2. Dear Ahmed, I'm really sorry for the mix-up, I've gone on and fixed the link.

    Congratulations for being chosen as one of the top 10 companies ready for investment; I wish you the best of luck and success for the future.

  3. Dear Mohamed,

    I am the owner and co-founder of Vertex Technologies. Our company Vertex Technologies is the company that got nominated among the top 10 Startups in the forum. However, I noticed that your article, is hyperlinked to another company in UAE, Called Vertex Studios, which is not affiliated to us by any means. Our companies is Vertex Technologies, and Vertex Motion Studios are located in Egypt and the site for the company that was nominated among the top ten is http://www.vertex-techs.com.


  4. Dear Ahmed, I'm really sorry for the mix-up, I've gone on and fixed the link.

    Congratulations for being chosen as one of the top 10 companies ready for investment; I wish you the best of luck and success for the future.

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