10 thoughts to “What You Need To Develop Some Grand New Thing”

  1. That’s true if you’re a developer/designer/info architect/application architect/sys admin and everything but if you’re just someone who has the money you need a lot of patience and don’t give cheap salary to your developers and designers because otherwise your grand dream will remain only in your dreams 🙂

  2. That’s true if you’re a developer/designer/info architect/application architect/sys admin and everything but if you’re just someone who has the money you need a lot of patience and don’t give cheap salary to your developers and designers because otherwise your grand dream will remain only in your dreams 🙂

  3. I disagree about the Coke and Pizza. To localize this statement to the Arab world, I would like to change it to “You need enough beans and tea, or Kabsa and meat” … Just Kidding 🙂

    Yahh, seriously, I don’t understand why people need lots of cash to create startups in the technology sector (especially.. the internet) !

  4. I disagree about the Coke and Pizza. To localize this statement to the Arab world, I would like to change it to “You need enough beans and tea, or Kabsa and meat” … Just Kidding 🙂

    Yahh, seriously, I don’t understand why people need lots of cash to create startups in the technology sector (especially.. the internet) !

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