It’s been exactly one month since StartUpArabia was launched to the public, and I thought I’d just share some thoughts and numbers from this first month with you all.
Before anything, I’d like to thank every single person who has taken the time to visit StartUpArabia; leave a comment, email me, call me, IM me, tweet me, blog or do anything in relation with StartUpArabia; I really appreciate all your support, encouragement and offers to help. Rest assured I’ll eventually take you all up on your offers, and that you can count on me too if you need anything at all.
So let’s start with the blog itself and some numbers; up to now 64 published posts, 2 reader polls, 82 comments and 57 spam comments caught by Akismet.
Statistics-wise, things are still picking up steadily, the site has served around 5,700 page views up to now, of which just over 3,000 are unique visits, from all over the world; The feed has 142 subscribers now, and has served 6,980 views over the past month. So yeah, interestingly, more activity on the feed than on the site.
StartUpArabia was noticed by Michael Arrington of TechCrunch on its first day and he tweeted about it here (Thanks Mike); which was a nice little boost for the launch, bringing a good number of visitors.
Content from the blog is currently aggregated on Alltop Startups (Thanks to Guy Kawasaki), TN-Blogs (Thanks to Houssein Ben Ameur), Dwwen (Thanks to the whole Dwwen team), Qwaider Planet (Thanks to Samer Qwaider), and (Thanks to Nihed & Chiheb).
These are the sites I’m aware of, I’m sorry if I missed anybody, please do let me know.
A big thanks to everyone who links to StartUpArabia from their blogs and websites, it’s much appreciated, and means a lot to me.
Finally, it’s awesome how many great people I’ve been able to meet through the blog this past month, people I really respect and look forward to working closely with throughout the months and years to come.
Thank you all, I hope you continue to enjoy StartUpArabia and the content that is published here.
And again, if you have any thoughts, ideas or suggestions; I’d more than love to hear them from you.
I am a fan of this site, it’s really nice to see someone following the new Web2.0 projects and startups here in the middle east
I am a fan of this site, it’s really nice to see someone following the new Web2.0 projects and startups here in the middle east
Excellent start, keep up the great work
Excellent start, keep up the great work
Great work Marwen, keep them coming
Great work Marwen, keep them coming
And of course, the biggest thanks to you @MMM for bringing this all together!
And of course, the biggest thanks to you @MMM for bringing this all together!
Startup Arabia, finally someone did it. and did it well !
Great work Marwen !
Startup Arabia, finally someone did it. and did it well !
Great work Marwen !
from day 1 i loved the site and i visit it on a daily basis. keep up the good work MMM:)
from day 1 i loved the site and i visit it on a daily basis. keep up the good work MMM:)
Good job

waiting for more
Good job

waiting for more
Nice! Keep up the good work
Nice! Keep up the good work
Congratulations man, keep up the great work!!
Congratulations man, keep up the great work!!
Thank you all
I really appreciate all your support and kind words 
Thank you all
I really appreciate all your support and kind words